The email subject line is the first thing your readers see. It is an essential tool to grab your audience’s attention. If your email inbox is like mine, it gets pretty full. With all those emails waiting to be read, how do you make sure your carefully crafted emails get opened? If you have a […]
How to Write an Event Sponsor Letter or Email that Works
Have you had this experience? You send out your sponsor request letters or emails and eagerly anticipate the sponsorships rolling in. But all you hear in response is the sound of crickets. A typical business owner receives a lot of requests for donations and sponsorships. You have to make sure your request for event sponsorship […]
Boost Your Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cuttings to Promote Members
Want to get more businesses to join your Chamber of Commerce? It’s time to get creative about the member benefits you offer. Taking advantage of social media tools for the benefits of your members can help make your Chamber more visible and benefit local businesses at the same time. Consider the typical ribbon cutting – […]
Do I Need a Privacy Policy on My Website?
If you want your website to present a professional image to your visitors, you need to be open and clear about your business practices online. One of the features found on many business and corporate websites is a privacy policy, but how do you know if your website needs one? There are a few quick […]