There are a lot of options for marketing materials. Which ones you will use depends on your target market, your budget, and the goal of your marketing. The marketing materials that you produce to advertise your business tell your customers a lot about your business – how you run it, how seriously you take it, and how […]
Checking the Links on Your Website
If your website has a link to content on another website, this is called an external link. External links are links on your website that point to pages on another website. While these links provide useful information and resources for your visitors, if they are out of date or are broken (the page no longer […]
How to Choose A Domain Name for Your Website
What is a Domain Name? When you open a web browser, such as Firefox, Safari, or Google Chrome, you often type in a URL to reach a specific website (ex.: This is the domain name for the website. Your Domain Name Represents Your Business Choosing a domain name for your website is an important step […]
What Are Keywords?
Keywords are the words and phrases that online users will put into a search engine (like to find goods, services, or information. For example, if I am looking for a place to stay while on vacation in Starkville, MS, I might enter the keyword “bed and breakfast Starkville, Mississippi.” If a website does not […]
Things to Consider with your Website Design
Questions to Review for an Existing Website There are a number of important factors to consider when reviewing a design for your business web site including Is it easy to navigate? Is the design too busy? Is there too much information or are there too many photos? Is the important information easy to find? Does the layout […]
SEDC Award of Excellent for Oxford-Lafayette County Economic Development Foundation and Chamber of Commerce
We designed and developed the Oxford-Lafayette County Economic Development Foundation Website, providing information architecture and content development services. This website was designated an award of excellent by the Southern Economic Development Council.
Why Create a Newsletter?
Writing a newsletter that is full of helpful, useful, free information and tips can be a useful marketing tool. Visitors to your website who are interested in the topics you write about or the products that you offer will sign up to receive your newsletter. Because you know that these people are your target audience, […]
Style and Content for Tabletop and Trade Show Displays
Table Top Displays Table top displays come in many different styles and shapes, from curved, to straight, to paneled. You can select to print directly on fabric that is attached to the display, or you can purchase one with a fabric background on which you can attach images or text with velcro. You can even […]
Crystal Pineapple Award for the Greater Starkville Development Partnership Marketing Services
For my work on a team who organized, designed, developed, and wrote the content for the new Greater Starkville Development Partnership website, I was awarded with the Crystal Pineapple Award in 2013.
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