Regularly posting helpful content on your website and social media can boost your reputation as an expert in your field and help you build a following that will keep coming back for more. The following three ideas are great for finding content ideas that your audience will appreciate.

1. Search through specialized forums
Online forums are great places to get ideas. These forums are where people gather to talk about issues they are having, get questions answered, or learn more about a topic. Find forums related to your field and you’ll find a gold mine of ideas.

2. Try Google’s autocomplete predictions for popular keywords
For your next content idea, consult the Google search bar. Start by typing in common keywords from your content, followed by a random letter, and see what users are searching for directly. This process may help you discover frequently asked questions, related topics, and more.

3. Talk to your audience for content ideas
Why not ask your audience some questions to find out what they want to know or what they need? Getting to the bottom of what’s most important to them can help further inform your content strategy. Many social platforms have an interactive polling feature, which is a low-effort way that your audience can provide you with feedback.
The next time you are having trouble brainstorming new content ideas, give one of these methods a try.